
Showing posts from March, 2018

KhaZix jungle Dark Harvest How to Comeback...카직스

Diamond dreams... "A Little" Introduction- I paid 50 dollars to have this video edited...was it worth it?! Well first you need to know the start of my story. I use to game a lot when I was in my early 20s. But I met a girl and gave up games to make more money to create a chance of having a family together. The ending is sad when it comes to that relationships...but from that sadness I became aware that I gave up my passion and with that I lost the joy of life. So I told myself I would stop watching Nightblu3 and SRO and make my own videos. Not to become a youtuber or streamer, but to create a stronger hobby than just gaming.  An interest in coaching emerged I love to learn and grow. I am always pushing myself and if I just play games I feel like I am wasting my time. But I have started making videos analyzing high level gameplay to improve my own game play and help others. I also started coaching a diamond player on EUW. From this I wanted to bring a new ...

Coaching- Saucy1 D5 EUW Kha'Zix Main Game 2

Analysis by  +Mike Hatcher  and Patch 8.5 Description- The Throws... No More I wasn't able to see the early game of this video due to some weird reply error on it is on my end. But the vod starts at with Saucy at level 6 with a decent lead. So whatever he did early game, he did it right. But I am not looking for what was done well, I am only looking for what was messed up or not optimal. That is were the nutrients for growth are waiting to be consumed. 먹자! (Mokja informal Korean for let's eat) Might as well teach some Korean while I am at it! I will make highlights of his wins in the future, but for now it is all about creating more wins.  If you like my stuff don't be afraid to subscribe to my blog, it is free and you can be better informed of when I post! This is just the unedited game play if that's how you like to roll, the timestamps match this video. This is a commentated version if you don't want to read! Timestamps don't ...

Coaching- Saucy1 D5 EUW Kha'Zix Main Game 1

Kha vs Lee 5/5/11 EUW D5 Description- I am starting to coach Saucy and I am using my skills from being a Debate coach to look at new aspects of the game and new ways of developing. I will update this blog later with a youtube video for the people that don't like to read, but until then check this out and let me know if you have any other ideas or comments! Saucy1's 1st Outing Strengths- Let's look at the clear first of all. Here Saucy went for a double buff + wolf clear. These are usually done to allow for a level 3 gank or to duel in the river vs the other jungler. Here we can see that Lee is doing the same start, Mid has priority and top is a little bit pushed. So the chances of getting off a clean gank and not getting counter ganked top is really low. Also a duel between lee and kha'zix would go in lee's favor in the river if he lands his Q. So Saucy choose to do the safe play and clear his raptors instead of heading into the river. This way if Le...