KhaZix jungle Dark Harvest How to Comeback...카직스

Diamond dreams...

"A Little" Introduction-

I paid 50 dollars to have this video edited...was it worth it?!

Well first you need to know the start of my story. I use to game a lot when I was in my early 20s. But I met a girl and gave up games to make more money to create a chance of having a family together. The ending is sad when it comes to that relationships...but from that sadness I became aware that I gave up my passion and with that I lost the joy of life.

So I told myself I would stop watching Nightblu3 and SRO and make my own videos. Not to become a youtuber or streamer, but to create a stronger hobby than just gaming. 

An interest in coaching emerged

I love to learn and grow. I am always pushing myself and if I just play games I feel like I am wasting my time. But I have started making videos analyzing high level gameplay to improve my own game play and help others. I also started coaching a diamond player on EUW. From this I wanted to bring a new perspective to him and gain more knowledge in return.

The new perspective I bring comes from my heavy background in debate. I have developed the ability to breakdown game play and present it in an easy way to understand. At the start I was lacking a lot od information, but now as I analyze more and play the game more my analysis is getting much better!

If you subscribe to my blog you can get detailed game play analysis and you can also watch me develop through my game play videos on youtube. Your comments can help influence my growth and together we can see how far I get on the Korean server.

Bmyno's Goals

I want to reach Diamond while working 2 full time jobs. I want to prove to my students that with great management skills, condtioning, and use of analyzing/effort can help you achieve whatever you set your mind on. I always tell my students to follow their passion and they can accomplish whatever they want if they put the effort in...but I think they have been told this by so many different people that dont actually practice what they preach. I will prove do this to have a reference to always show my students when I give them this advice.

This video was the first game I played after not playing since the release of Zed... and its style is highly influenced by Nightblu3 because for the last 4 years I have focused only on competitive debate, business, and I watched tons of streamers/pros and followed the esports scene as well...nightblu3 is always saying this and that is broken or op.... so I gave it a shot as well. Dark Harvest Kha'zix!

I won't lie I was a little nervous making this video O.o

But at the champion loading screen my game crashed and I couldnt join the game until 7mins into the game...I was level 1 and they were 6+...great way to start my learning of this champion and this game.

I hope you enjoy the video and I am still working on my own video creating skills lol...this video was done through for about 50 dollars. 

This is the start me cultivating a new hobby. Or a long lost hobby...

Follow me on twitter for more updates! @bmyno_gaming
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