KhaZix jungle Dark Harvest How to Comeback...카직스

Diamond dreams... "A Little" Introduction- I paid 50 dollars to have this video edited...was it worth it?! Well first you need to know the start of my story. I use to game a lot when I was in my early 20s. But I met a girl and gave up games to make more money to create a chance of having a family together. The ending is sad when it comes to that relationships...but from that sadness I became aware that I gave up my passion and with that I lost the joy of life. So I told myself I would stop watching Nightblu3 and SRO and make my own videos. Not to become a youtuber or streamer, but to create a stronger hobby than just gaming. An interest in coaching emerged I love to learn and grow. I am always pushing myself and if I just play games I feel like I am wasting my time. But I have started making videos analyzing high level gameplay to improve my own game play and help others. I also started coaching a diamond player on EUW. From this I wanted to bring a new ...