Rank1 Korean Kha'zix Main vs Lee | Season 8 |Gameplay- League of Legends
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Video of Game Play |
*Update TL;DR version here-
if you don't want to read you can check out the video here https://youtu.be/cpYxXT7wYLo
I want to start a series up on YouTube about guessing the elo. Mainly I am just analyzing replies to
improve my own game play, but thought, hey why not involve the community.
So the game play for this video will be published on my YouTube channel March 1st at 10am KST.
If you are able to guess the right rank and MMR/LP I will give some free promotion for your channel
and you will gain a loyal and active follower or subscriber. If these series actually ever pay for
themselves I would love to do giveaways, but I am a broke little content creator ^^
In the comments please leave the following for the Kha'Zix player-
- Rank/Elo
- LP
I know that everyone has different games, good ones and bad ones. But this is just me analyzing and adding a little bit of fun to the community, don't take it too serious my dudes.
So to be updated with the winner and also when the video comes up, please subscribe
I will upload the game play first and later I will upload a trimmed up and commentated version.
Last but not least, please visit the about me page to understand why I am trying to learn all these
things, pretty much I am a debate coach in South Korea and I am trying to create proof to my
students that you can be a noob at something, but with tons of effort and lots of studying you
can compete with the best...so my mission is to get Diamond in season 8. I would love any
additional analysis to any of my content throughout the journey, please comment. Let it be
negative or positive, I am open to all!
Outing=This is the time between being out in the field doing this from the start to when the
player backs or dies.
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Kha'Zix Build |
1st outing
He saw that his red was getting invaded so he decided to take Lee’s red as well at the start while
getting some help from top. He also predicts that Lee will take more than just his red, so he clears
the raptor camp as well before heading to his blue side to clear it.
So both junglers meet in the river at the same time at different sides of the map, this really shows
the efficiency of their clears and how they can be very predictable as well.
He wards Lee’s jungle before ganking mid to protect from a counter-gank. Once he realizes that
his whole red side had been cleared he backs.
So not a lot accomplished this first round out. But he was able to stabilize the invade and he
was able to put some pressure on mid, but did not force a flash.
2nd outing
Now we can tell his decision of where to go next based on the events in the previous outing. Since
his Krogs were done he guessed that Lee would clear his blue side, then his whole red side to
establish his lead. So kha'Zix knew that if Lee cleared his whole red side he would now be at a
disadvantage due to being behind in CS. So he immediately runs to Lee’s Krogs and knows that if
Lee is there, that means he has not backed yet and Kha’Zix knows he can beat him in a duel since
Kha’Zix has an item lead now.
Kha’Zix was able to get a little bit of the farm back and forced Lee to back with a quick burst, but he
didn't pick up the kill or secure the large Krog, so this didn't go too well for him. I wondered why he
didn't flash to kill Lee but I believe he knows that his Q does not have enough damage to get
through Lee’s shield and kill him, so he doesn’t take the risk or he is just scared. This shows that
we should really know how much damage our characters are able to deal throughout the game and
take that into consideration before making plays to avoid those reactive plays that lead to feeding.
A great thing to notice is that in the early game, these players have the camp respawn order in their minds. Since they know what was cleared first they know what will respawn first and this dictates their pathing. So we see Kha’Zix take Lee’s raptors and then he secures his own right away.
But after this Kha’Zix makes a bad choice to just mindlessly go and kill his wolf camp. He just
saw Lee's gank happen in mid and he should have tracked Lee moving towards his blue side.
Knowing that Lee’s red side hasn't fully spawned yet the only good option left for Lee is to invade.
And Kha'zix should have prepared for this. He loses the smite fight and loses his life. After seeing
this the way he could have played this different was to have warded before killing wolves and during
the fight with Lee he should have backed off and let Kassadin finish Lee for a better trade.
At the end of this he was able to bully Lee a little bit, but didn’t really make any impacting plays, Lee
was already backing, he already got the big Krog and he was then able to kill Kha’Zix and steal
away the wolf camp before dying to Kassadin.
3rd outing
So Kha’Zix sees bot lane engaging and he rushes there to clean up whatever is left over. So while
he was dead we can tell he was deciding where to go next. It was about his red side spawning
again and taking his Krog camp initially, then once he saw the fight at bot, his path changed to
cleaning up the fight. Netting 1 kill.
As Kha’Zix was fighting bot he spotted Lee in top lane which immediately prompted him to make
a cross map play. So he rushed into Lee’s jungle, took Gromp and saw that a potential collapse
was about to happen so he made a flashy escape.
So I was wondering for a second why he rushed past his red buff to the raptors, then it quickly
dawned on me, he chose a more efficient pathing than I had in my mind, raptors, to red, to Krogs. I
was thinking red to raptors to next objective. Deciding your path ahead of time keeps everything
moving and the money coming in!
Summary of that section, was Kha’Zix was able to pick up a kill and counter jungle gromp and
finish his red side.
4th outing
He finishes his jungler item first then boots, I believe he chose this because he is not super fed
so he is not rushing a Duskblade over his jungler item.
After shopping he decides that the best pathing would be wolves to a top and preform a lane
gank. He waits for Fiora to engage and then he makes his entrance. This is great to note, Kha’Zix
is amazing for lane ganks and I don't utilize these types of ganks enough in my own game play.
Looking at the execution of that gank top we see he leads with R, restealths in the bush, and saves
he E for the flash to secure a clean kill.
He starts heading mid but the moment he hears the dragon die he immediately changes pathing
and goes into Lee’s jungle to look for camps and get deep vision. He sees that due to his previous
gank top, the top tower is now primed to produce that sweet first blood tower gold. Before he helps
to take the tower he drops a control ward in the tri bush to make sure that if someone comes to
contest they will be able to escape. Always protect your back before making plays, that is what I am
starting to learn. We have seen him do it twice now.
Kha’Zix could have gotten away but he gave up his life to save Fiora, what a gentlebug…
In conclusion to this outing we can see he was able to get a nice gank off top which resulted in
first tower gold and he was able to get some deep vision set down, while protecting his top laner in
the retreat and helping Kassadin get a nice double kill.
5th outing
I have seen that mobi boots are great with Kha’Zix’s R. You are able to fully stealth through the
whole jungle with the right pathing. This creates very unique flanking paths that can only be
obtained by champions that have the ability to stealth. So it is a must buy in my book and I usually
change to tabi or merc boots in late game if I am full build and don't really need the mobility anymore.
Kha’Zix’s path decision looked to be raptors then clear blue side. But he found out his raptors were
gone and covered mid for a little then he went to clear his blue side.
Kha’Zix saw Lee in mid so he made a quick check to see what could be done on Lee’s red side
before killing Scuttle and securing his blue. It goes to show that each time you see the other jungler
you should make a corresponding play that penalizes the other jungler giving up their location.
He makes a quick loop around Lee’s jungle, maybe looking for a pick or getting vision. This shows
the power of having mobi boots on Kha’Zix. But during this time plays were being made mid and he
arrives late into a losing 3v4. But we can learn a little bit about Kha’Zix’s fighting style from this, you
burst and then jump out, once you get the E upgraded this is just repeated for team fights.
Kha’Zix then quickly kills his raptors. This is telling us that we must keep up our farming and
decrease the downtime between fights. I use to just sit on the outside of fights waiting to go in or
get some poke in. But it is better to clear a camp and re engage afterwards. That is what we can
see here happening after Kha'Zix clears his raptors. He bursts Kat and uses R to get out, he goes
back in and he tries to E to finish of Braum.
When in a team fight I believe Kha’Zix needs to be the finisher, jumping around killing all the low
target champions. I should learn this in and out play style a lot more for mid game team fights.
Kha’Zix makes another red jungle loop looking for picks and finds their top laner, but red team
responds quickly and decisively to take Kha’Zix down.
In this outing we saw him farm a little and then check enemy red side, add some damage to
team fights and that was about it. No real kills secured and no objectives.
Outing 6
Outing 6
He chooses to clear his blue side and then head down to his red side. I believe the reason he
didn't head to Lee’s red side after his blue was because of an Infernal dragon being up. He knew
that Lee would be around bot for that dragon. But with Jhin dying and him seeing most of the
other champions on the mini map he assumed Lee was just farming, not taking dragon. Thus Lee
was able to sneak the dragon away from blue team. So I believe that when a really important
objective is up like an Infernal we should be focused on that before farming our jungle, at least
having the dragon warded.
After the dragon met its demise there was a little skirmish in Kha’Zix’s jungle, if we look at the
present moment, his choice here shows target prioritization. He runs right past the fight and
straight to Kat, he is able to massively burst her to stop her from wiping his team and then he
goes into stealth again to finish Kat and then he jumps into the empty dragon pit and gets out
clean. This is the assassin style that is needed in mid game team fights.
He sees that Lee dies and makes a full check of his jungle. This should be an ingrained habit in
your mind, in mine as well, in all of our minds! Capitalize on people’s mistakes, capitalism reigns
supreme in the gaming world!
Kha’Zix was able to get a kill and secure some vision this outing. But due to not warding he
lost an infernal.
Outing 7
Duskblade acquired. Kha’Zix now has a power spike and I want to see how that
influences his decisions.
So he goes for a raptor to blue side clear. No real use of his power spike. While once again
Lee is ahead of the game and is taking an objective, the herald this time.
I believe this game shows that we can not go into a game with set priorities and never adapt
our game play based on the momentum of the game. I think Kha’Zix was too focused on
farming this game and let Lee dictate the pace of the mid game or the entire game for that matter.
So Kha’Zix stopped paying attention to the map for a little bit and was spotted entering Lee’s
jungle. He does his red side loop for a 3rd time, but someone predicted his habitual game play
and waited for him. I believe this is something that makes a very strong player. Being able to
quickly assess your enemies game play style and learn how to predict their actions and counter
them throughout the game by adjusting your play style and being ahead of the curve.
Not the best outing, he got his farm in once again, the given aspect of this game, but let objectives
go and repeated his actions which lead to him being ambushed by Kat. He ignored control wards
and observer wards, which also played a role in his death.
Outing 8
He chooses to go bot and help Fiora, then radically changes course to help mid. At this
point his decisions are starting to look like a low elo player, right? He jumps into a 3v1 and
gets blown up. He might have miscalculated his damage, he might have thought he could 1
shot and get out. Maybe this is the ego of a high elo player... But he is just not fed enough this game.
This outing was just an int.
Outing 9
Another quickie, he heads right for raptors and sees that the other team is setting up for another
Infernal drake. This time he wants to have vision and be ready. But he was unable to actually obtain
any vision control and assumed that no one would contest him killing the control ward positioned
behind the dragon pit. But it goes to show that assumptions are what get you killed, Lee Qs to
Kha'zix's face and blows him up. And doing the unpredictable is what it is all about, as Lee
demonstrated. As long as it is safe right?!
The last hoorah!
Was exactly that HOORAH I’m dead and done with this game. He just rammed himself into the 5 fed
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