Nunu Jungle season 8 patch 8.3 | Optimizing the Mid Game

Nunu jungle 8.3

After I got my early game down I went on a 6 win streak and thought that I had Nunu on lock. Check out the blog post or video here if you missed it. But, I started going on a huge losing streak later on. I think I lost like 8 or 9 games in a row. My early game was perfect and I was doing everything right, or so I thought.

This new video is focused on how I got out of this huge losing streak. I was not playing nunu jungle properly and this was causing me to not have any impact in the mid game. If you didn't know nunu jungle season 8 has the 2nd or 1st highest win rate at 25-30mins into the game and then his win rate massively drops. I started watching all my replays from my losing streak and realized that I was neglecting the mid game and prioritizing the late game.

With this realization I knew that I had to look at all the elements of my game play that needed to be changed in order to increase my mid game impact. So let's get straight into it and figure this out together.

Excessive Farming

 I really prioritized full clears over anything else really. Even when my team was spamming me or if there were objectives to take etc. I was so focused on maxing my level lead over the other jungler that I totally ignored my team.

While farming is good to do and getting the level advantaged for mid game is right, I realized that it should not be prioritized over ganks and objectives. A constant problem that I saw happening was I would be super strong in the mid to late game, but because I didn't help my laners much, I become just a useless tank that would be ignored while my carries got blown up.

So the adjustment that I made was setting priorities for nunu jungle. And these were the specific priorities.

  1. Help laners snowball their lanes, feed kills if possible
  2. Secure an objective, early dragons and rift herald
  3. Capitalize by counter jungeling and setting up deep vision
  4. Clear my jungle or back
After setting these new priorities I found myself involved in a lot of fights and massively supporting my laners. With support items and nunu's kit, I could pretty much just run in, buff up my laner, and debuff the other laner and we would be able to win the fights. Then when the fight was won there would be a huge window opened to take objectives and counter jungle completely safe from conflict.

I started to see my laners snowball and the other team fall behind. I remember having a game where I secured every objective the moment it spawned and had complete vision control the whole game. And the last thing was that when the late game did come, I was able to transition to a peeling kind of support and my laners were strong enough to 2v3 or even 2v4. 

Following these new priorities got me out of that losing streak, but then I fell into a whole new losing streak. The annoying one where you win one then lose one, repeatedly. 

Playing around weak laners

It is such a dilemma as a jungler seeing a lane struggle. You want to help so bad and try to make it so that they can come back or stop them from feeding. But this is the wrong thing to do and pretty much ignoring them is the right thing to do...

I was following my priorities that I set previously to get me out of my slump. But I was not going on win streaks anymore, and that is what I have to be able to do if I want to climb in ranked. So I looked at how I can have more consistent wins.

I improved my priorities to fix this problem. For the first one I cant just help any laner, I need to be helping the one that is doing well in there lane. Because I tried to help losing lanes and the result was all of us dying or failed ganks. I had to make a rule here that I will no longer play with weak laners in the early game. Once mid game comes around if I did my job well enough my stronger laners will be fed enough to carry.

Another thing about playing around people that aren't having the best of games, is that I saw it massively influenced my own decision making and caused me to make bad decisions that lead to feeding and so forth.

So the changes I made to my first priority of helping laners snowball, was only helping them if they are winning their lanes. And to do this, before the game started I would look at the loading champions and really try to plan out who I thought would win their lane and who would be a problem. I would then make a strategy around that.

After doing this my win percentage went up to 60%.

In the end

I learned that with each champion I need to set priorities to match their strengths. Also that I should focus more on the winning laners and help them get even stronger instead of constantly trying to help losing lanes come back.

I am starting to have better game play but I have listened to my community and there is much more for me to learn. For example, I never really look at the TAB menu as much as I should and I am not using my f1,f2,f3,f4 keys to check lanes while I am farming. Thus, I will be practicing these things to increase the amount of information I have so that I can properly follow my priorities and play with the strongest laners.

And yes, I still have much to learn about animation cancelling, timing power spikes, and optimizing my build and so forth. I think that will be in my next video!

If you like my style any type of engagement is appreciated and encouraged! Thank you for coming by and I hope you enjoyed it!


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